Tuesday, August 24, 2010


So, I finally did it! I actually graduated from college. It only took me 8 years to do it, but hey, who's counting?! Though it took me longer than anticipated, I wouldn't trade any of my life these last 8 years. What could I trade-my mission, living in Vegas with awesome friends and experiences, or moving up here to Provo? Nope, none of it.

I graduated from BYU on August 13, which was Friday the 13th, if anyone's counting! It was a fantastic day, though; no bad luck in sight!

My mom and dad came down to Provo for it, and I loved spending time with them :) It never felt real until I was walking into the Marriot Center and the Processional was playing. Then I actually started to tear up. I was lucky; one of my roomates walked in the same program that I did, so we sat together and got to entertain each other during the ceremony. Here's a few pictures; for the rest of them, look me up on Facebook! I'm much more active there!

I do want to say, though, that I'm VERY grateful to everyone who helped me achieve this: Mom and Dad for all your support (especially when I freaked out over huge assignments that I needed to finish!), Shari, Tasha and Nate for cheering me on, the rest of the family for heckling me into completing my degree :), my roomies for being awesome, and friends for being hang out buddies when I needed to release pressure, etc. Thanks for believing in me; you're all awesome!

Happier News

Time for a happy post! The last one was a little serious, but this one will be better, I promise :)

I went on vacation with my family to Wyoming at the first of August, and it was a lot of fun! I was only able to go for a weekend, but I tried to make the best of it. I did, however, get lost and loose $75 because I left my purse in a public bathroom, but other than that it was good! Tasha's blog has a better account of our trip, but here are a few pictures of a river sink in Wyoming. I took these with my cell phone; it's pretty sad that it has more megapixels than my real digital camera does!
It was great to see Grandma and Grandpa Averett, even if it was only for a day!